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Coping With Addiction: 3 Ways To Support Your Partner's Recovery

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When a loved one struggles with addiction, life can be full of challenges that get in the way of your relationship. However, their decision to seek help is the first step toward healing. As your loved one works through the underlying causes of their addiction, you can show them support using these strategies.

Be Involved In Their Treatment Plan

Substance abuse treatment is tailored to fit your partner's specific addiction along with the reasons why they feel the need to abuse drugs or alcohol. During their time in treatment, you may be asked to attend counseling sessions and family meetings that are designed to help you support your loved one through their recovery. Show up for these sessions, and be honest about the challenges that you face in your relationship. By showing a desire to help your partner change, you will bolster their motivation for staying sober.

Know the Warning Signs of Relapse

Ending an addiction is a lifelong process that does get easier over time. However, the first several months after treatment are a time when your partner is more likely to fall prey to cravings. Know their triggers, such as boredom or stress at work, so that you can remind them of their strategies for avoiding relapse. You should also know how to recognize warning signs of relapse, such as difficulty coping with stress or visiting certain friends, so that you can urge them to seek treatment before addiction gets out of hand again.

Maintain a Substance-Free Environment

It may seem unfair that you cannot drink at home when you are not the one who has an addiction. However, keeping drugs and alcohol out of your house is the only way to prevent temptation. Find new ways to spend time with your partner that are centered around drug and alcohol-free activities. For example, you could join a sports league or volunteer in your community. Showing your partner that you can have a good time while staying sober will encourage them to continue forward with their treatment plan.

It is important to understand the valuable role that you play in your partner's recovery. As time goes on, maintaining sobriety does get easier, but your partner will still be vulnerable to triggers for the rest of their life. By working together, you can help your partner get the most out of their treatment program while paving the way for a successful recovery after they return home. For more information and advice, contact a treatment center such as Ascent Behavioral Health Services.
