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Why Lumps and Bumps Require Medical Diagnosis

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On occasion, you may develop innocuous bumps, like Bartholin's abscesses and even warts. A quick look on the Internet will turn up photos and detailed home remedies for treatment, and in these cases you can safely go on with little more than a call to the doctor's office. On the other hand, self-diagnosis is not recommended for the vast majority of unknown skin ailments that occur during a person's lifetime.

Why Self Diagnosing Skin Disorders Is Treacherous

Although you will have to see an oncologist to find out for sure whether your skin bumps and lumps may be cancerous, at first sight, they can certainly be confused with other skin issues. What may start off looking like a wart could, in fact, be an early indicator of skin cancer. Untreated, serious skin conditions only continue to worsen without adequate treatment, and attempting to medicate or treat yourself will likely make things even worse.

There's simply no substitution for scheduling an appointment with a doctor when you find bumps on any part of your body that shouldn't be there. While your first thought may be how much you will have to spend to see a physician, you absolutely must put your health first. Neither self-diagnosis nor doing nothing is going to help protect your health and ensure that you do not have the beginning stages of a cancerous skin condition.

Early Diagnosis Is Imperative

The American Academy of Dermatology asserts that there are four primary forms of skin cancer. The symptoms of each type of skin cancer may be different, but they can also mimic more common skin issues, such as rashes and irritation. Going to a doctor will let you know how to treat your skin condition quickly at home, get a referral to a dermatologist, or be sent to see an oncologist.

Don't assume that not having medical coverage will cause you to incur high healthcare costs, as insurance companies will still provide coverage if you have an existing condition. Even if you fear receiving bad news, being proactive is much more effective than ignoring your skin condition. If you do see a doctor and get referred to an oncologist to determine whether or not you have a cancerous skin growth, you will be able to get into treatment faster. The timely treatment of cancerous skin conditions not only improves your chance of recovery, it also allows you to resume leading your everyday life in a more convenient manner.
