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Vestibular Rehabilitation Therapy Can Improve Your Dizziness Concerns

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Dizziness is sometimes overlooked as a minor issue, that is until you face the challenge yourself. For people diagnosed with chronic dizziness, it can be a challenge to perform daily activities and even find a way to enjoy a restful sleep at night. Vestibular balance rehabilitation therapy is a non-invasive treatment option that can help you deal with this condition and live a more fruitful life.

Recognize Symptoms

It's important to have a clear understanding of exactly what dizziness entails. While most people link dizziness with feeling unbalanced, there are more symptoms that accompany this condition. Lightheadedness, a feeling of faintness, a sense that the room around you is spinning, and nausea are all linked to dizziness. 

If you notice you experience these symptoms frequently, it's a good idea to speak with a healthcare provider. Rather than pass off your symptoms, it's important to take them seriously and have them addressed. 


Vestibular rehabilitation is such an effective option because it does not involve taking any mediations to improve the condition or surgical procedures. Instead, this option relies solely on exercises that aim to improve the function of the middle ear, which is often the area where issues with dizziness originate from. 

To take part in this treatment, you will likely need to visit a physical therapist, who will examine your health history, your flexibility, and strength, and perform an inner ear exam. Based on your performance in each area, the therapist will then compile a list of exercises for you to practice to reduce your dizziness spells and eventually eliminate them. 

Ideal Candidates

While this form of treatment is a great option for many people, the source of your dizziness will determine just how effective the treatment will be for you. People diagnosed with certain conditions, such as low blood pressure, would not typically benefit from this treatment. 

People who have dizziness as a result of a prescribed medication they take might also have a declined experience. The reason for this declined performance is that the cause of the dizziness is related to an external issue or an underlying medical issue, instead of an inner ear function. A provider will need to get to the source of the dizziness to determine whether you're an ideal candidate for treatment. 

If you suffer from constant dizzy spells, it's time to talk to your provider. Your provider can talk to you more about this rehabilitative therapy option to help you determine if you're a candidate and explain how this treatment option can improve your life. 
