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4 Things You Need To Know About Child Development

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Most parents provide their children with basic needs and forget to look at those things that can affect their emotional well-being. Child development starts from birth and progresses through childhood and affects the person they'll become. Every parent must know the various internal and external factors inherent in their children's lives in the early years.

Here are four things you need to know about child development.

Children Are Affected By Circumstances at Home

Many parents may ignore the fact that whatever happens in a home setting can positively or negatively impact a child. The experiences can trigger a chain of long-lasting reactions, affecting their learning capability and societal behavior. For example, disagreements at home between parents and divorce can lead to negative mental feelings or outcomes. 

The External Environment Can Influence a Child's Behavior

Most people assume genes influence a child's behavior. To some extent, there's a possibility that a person's character can be hereditary. However, it's a collection of many genes that can influence behavior. As a child grows, social interactions and external factors play a critical role in altering such behaviors. Their experiences define how the inborn characteristics develop. 

Caregivers and Teachers Have a Role in a Child's Life

As your child grows, they'll be more exposed to other people other than their parents or other siblings. Often, parents can no longer stay at home to take care of their little children. This means many working families leave their children under the care of a nanny or a caregiver. Further, children typically start school by the time they are three years old. At school, the interactions are broad to include teachers and other pupils. The relationships are likely to grow, and all these play a significant role in expanding your child's emotional or social development. On the same note, frequent changes of caregivers or schools can impact the child and affect the quality of their interactions. 

The Early Years of a Child Are Critical in Shaping their Brain Function

In the early years, your child's brain is active, and various functions are taking shape. The brain is where the action takes place, and this extends to cognitive, social, and emotional abilities. It's a sensitive stage, and a slight disruption can affect your child into their adulthood.

Child development encompasses all the aspects of a child's life, both internal and external, that can nurture or break their physical, mental, emotional, and social well-being. As a parent, you need to be aware of these triggers that can impact child development.
