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What You Can Do To Improve Your Body Image

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One of the main reasons a person develops anorexia nervosa is because of a negative self body image. A person with anorexia will convince themselves that they are fat, even when they clearly are underweight. They will exercise and diet to the extreme, to the point that their health could be in danger. Anorexia can cause other health problems, not just being underweight. It can cause issues with your heart, affect your menstrual cycle, affect your bowel movements, not to mention the mental effects as well. If you suffer from anorexia, one way to treat it is to improve your body image and how you feel about yourself. Read on for some ways you can do this.

Be More Positive About Yourself

A negative self body image means you are always pointing out the negative in yourself. If all you can see is the negative, you're going to convince yourself that all you have is the negatives. You have to start looking at yourself and noticing all of the positive things as well. When you start to train your brain to notice the positive, as opposed to the negative, it can improve your self body image. For some with anorexia, they may not like to even look in the mirror. Start to force yourself to look in the mirror and tell yourself the things you like about yourself.

Change Your Wardrobe

Those with anorexia may hide their bodies behind clothing that is too large for them. They do this to help hide their disorder. Start wearing clothing that is your actual size and that highlights your body in a positive way. Wearing clothing that not only fits properly but that you like may help you to feel better about yourself and can also help to improve your body image.

Start A Positive Mood Board

Some with anorexia will use images to help convince themselves of how they should look, some images being completely unrealistic because of filters or editing. You should start a mood board instead with positive images and positive messages. You can do this on the computer, or go old-school by cutting and pasting on a poster board. Positive messages can help change your way of thinking.

If you are suffering from anorexia nervosa, you need to start training your mind to think better of yourself and your body image. You should also go to an anorexia treatment center to get professional treatment for your anorexia.
