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Cancer Supported Treatments That Could Make You Feel Better While You're Undergoing Cancer Treatment

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A cancer diagnosis can be emotionally devastating. Undergoing treatment can be stressful, even if you have a strong support network of family and friends. In addition to cancer treatments like chemotherapy and radiation, your doctor might recommend cancer supported treatments at various points during your illness. Here are some cancer supported treatments that might help you.

Physical Therapy Might Boost Energy 

If you feel fatigued most of the time and you're too lethargic to do much of anything, physical therapy might help. The therapist can help you find ways to be active that are fun and energizing. You might like to swim, walk, or exercise in the gym. A therapist can keep you from overdoing it so the exercise benefits you rather than wear you out more.

Exercise can be mentally stimulating, so it can improve your mood as well as help you maintain muscle. If you also have trouble eating, maintaining your weight may be a challenge. Exercise might stimulate your appetite and make you more interested in eating.

Music, Art, Or Pet Therapy For Relaxation

If you know how to play a musical instrument or if you just like to listen to others play, you might enjoy music therapy. This can be taken in the hospital or in sessions once you've been discharged. Playing a musical instrument could bring you enjoyment, reduce anxiety, and help with depression.

Pet therapy is another cancer supported treatment your doctor might order when you're in the hospital. Therapy dogs can be brought to your room for you to pet and adore. Being in the presence of an animal could help you feel more peaceful and relaxed if you struggle with anxiety or pain.

If you enjoy drawing, painting, or writing, art therapy might be helpful. You might have group classes or individual sessions. Art can be creative or meditative, and take your mind off of your diagnosis and treatment for a while.

Diet Counseling To Help Maintain Your Weight

A side effect of cancer and its treatments is loss of appetite. You might struggle with nutrition when you have cancer. Sometimes the problem is pain or obstruction when you chew or swallow. If you have these issues or constant nausea, you might benefit from nutrition counseling.

A dietitian can help you figure out how to get enough calories and the right nutrition to maintain your weight and muscle mass. They may teach you how to deal with nausea and how to eat a soft diet. They may provide meal plans and tricks on how to get calories down when you don't have an appetite.
