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Should You Have Your Hemorrhoids Surgically Removed?

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Hemorrhoids are certainly not fun to live with. If you have them, then you should absolutely pursue treatment to alleviate your discomfort. One option is to have the hemorrhoids surgically removed. This is a wise choice for many patients, but not necessarily for all. Sometimes, a less invasive procedure or lifestyle remedies are better options. If you're trying to decide whether surgery is right for you, here are some upsides and downsides to think about.

Upsides of Hemorrhoid Surgery

Your hemorrhoids will be gone forever

Hemorrhoid surgery is a one-and-done procedure. You won't have to go for multiple treatments or keep applying a cream every day for the rest of your life. While it may not be the easiest procedure to endure, you have the comfort of knowing that once you are healed, your hemorrhoids won't both you anymore.

It works for even the most serious of hemorrhoids

A lot of other hemorrhoid treatment options work for mild or moderate hemorrhoids, but not so much for serious hemorrhoids. The thing is, you don't always know how serious your hemorrhoids are until you try these treatments and they don't work. With hemorrhoid surgery, this is not a concern. No matter how bad your hemorrhoids are or aren't, removing them will give you relief.

It's a well-established surgery

Hemorrhoid surgery is a fairly routine surgery. The doctors who perform it have performed it many times before. As such, any risks are well understood, and doctors are unlikely to make errors.

Downsides to Hemorrhoid Surgery

The recovery is painful

There's no other way to say it; recovering from hemorrhoid surgery is painful. Your doctor will give you ways to manage the pain, such as pain relievers and sitz baths, but you can still expect to be uncomfortable.

There is a risk of infection

Most patients who have hemorrhoid surgeries do not develop an infection as long as they follow their surgeon's recommendations for keeping the area clean. However, there is still some risk of infection, and that's an important thing to know before you opt for this procedure. If your surgical site does become infected, you will need to take antibiotics and perhaps apply an antibiotic cream.

Consider the points above before you opt for hemorrhoid surgery. A doctor can help you think more deeply about how the surgery may impact you, personally, and what other options may be suitable for your case. For more information on a hemorrhoidectomy procedure, contact a professional near you.
